Sacred Symbols of the Dogan 2007

2007Sacred Symols of the Dogon by Laird Scranton
From the Back Cover

“Sacred Symbols of the Dogon will challenge the reader to seriously consider that ancient civilizations possessed a scientific sophistication rivaling our present-day theories of matter and the fundamental forces of physics. Highly recommended for anyone who has questioned the mainstream view of ancient civilization as scientifically primitive.”
--John Dering, chief scientist for lasers and special projects at Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA), Inc.

In his first book, The Science of the Dogon, Laird Scranton demonstrated that the cosmological structure described in the myths and drawings of the Dogon runs parallel to modern science (atomic theory, quantum theory, and string theory), with Dogon drawings often taking the same form as accurate scientific diagrams that relate to the formation of matter. Scranton also pointed to the close resemblance between the keywords and component elements of Dogon cosmology and those of ancient Egypt as well as to the implication that ancient cosmology may also be about actual science.

Sacred Symbols of the Dogon uses these parallels as the starting point for a new interpretation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic language. By substituting Dogon cosmological drawings for equivalent glyph-shapes in Egyptian words, a new way of reading and interpreting the Egyptian hieroglyphs emerges. Scranton shows how each hieroglyph constitutes an entire concept and that their meanings are scientific in nature. Using the Dogon symbols as a “Rosetta stone,” he reveals references within the ancient Egyptian language that define the full range of scientific components of matter--from massless waves to the completed atom--even suggesting direct correlations to a fully realized unified field theory.

Sacred Symbols of the Dogon Publisher: Inner Traditions

Dogon cosmology provides a new Rosetta stone for reinterpreting Egyptian hieroglyphs
• Provides a new understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphs as scientific symbols based on Dogon cosmological drawings
• Use parallels between Dogon and Egyptian word meanings to identify relationships between Dogon myths and modern science
In The Science of the Dogon, Laird Scranton demonstrated that the cosmological structure described in the myths and drawings of the Dogon runs parallel to modern science--atomic theory, quantum theory, and string theory--their drawings often taking the same form as accurate scientific diagrams that relate to the formation of matter. Scranton also pointed to the close resemblance between the keywords and component elements of Dogon cosmology and those of ancient Egypt, and the implication that ancient cosmology may also be about actual science.
Sacred Symbols of the Dogon uses these parallels as the starting point for a new interpretation of the Egyptian hieroglyphic language. By substituting Dogon cosmological drawings for equivalent glyph-shapes in Egyptian words, a new way of reading and interpreting the Egyptian hieroglyphs emerges. Scranton shows how each hieroglyph constitutes an entire concept, and that their meanings are scientific in nature. Using the Dogon symbols as a “Rosetta stone,” he reveals references within the ancient Egyptian language that define the full range of scientific components of matter: from massless waves to the completed atom, even suggesting direct correlations to a fully realized unified field theory.


itibari M. Zulu


Please be informed of The Journal of Pan African Studies at We are in the process of forming a special issue on science in Africa and thus welcome a contribution from you or your colleagues.

Julie Ryder

My heart sings as I read your website, books and watch your videos. I have been on a similiar mission with the Native American chiefs, elders and medicine people. They say their knowledge of quantum physics comes from the Star Nations. On my website I have posted numerous photographs of their interpretations of their technologies and cosmological understandings. When the Indegenous Elder’s from all over the world met together to restore and share their knowledge they discovered that it was the same. They dismissed the translators and communiated in the ancient ways.
Thank you for the perspective and knowledge you have given given to the world. Julie Ryder